Integrating EMPI with EHRs and HIEs

Picture this: You’re at the hospital and the only information you have to give them is your name and birth date. With that, they’re able to pull up an accurate record of your medical history. This includes details like your allergies, results from your previous doctor’s visit, and even the medicine you were last prescribed.

If you had to see a new doctor or specialist, imagine if they had access to all of that, too. You skip a routine round of questions, and they’re able to assess you while knowing your entire medical history.

This is an overview—albeit a simplified one—of what an enterprise master patient index (EMPI) is trying to create, and it could be life-changing.

Errors in medical files, minor as they may seem, can have major consequences. A report by the HIPAA Journal cites miscommunication and incorrect patient records as two causes that led to almost 2,000 preventable deaths. To give you an idea of how this figure measures against a national scale, medical errors are considered the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.

With patient information reaching an overwhelming amount, the close possibility of a streamlined medical database used throughout different healthcare organizations will not only potentially save a lot of time, but also a lot of lives.

In this article, we’ll dive into the benefits of integrating EMPIs with electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchanges (HIEs).

What Is an EMPI?

An enterprise master patient index is essentially one big, complete database that holds accurate patient information. In an ideal situation, an EMPI is used across different departments, hospitals, and organizations to maintain consistent patient records.

How Does an EMPI Work?

EMPIs are complex software systems that are often developed by a medical institution with the help of a software development company.

The process begins with the collection of existing patient records. You might realize it, but a single person’s patient data exists in many forms, from electronic health records, medical billing systems, labs, and even online forms. EMPIs gather all that patient information and unify it in a single, extensive master file.

Through advanced algorithms, the software is then able to assess, merge, and match the data so it presents an accurate and up-to-date snapshot of a patient’s overall health history. This goes to show the impact of health information technology on patient safety.

EMPI, EHR, and HIE—What’s the Difference?

Because EMPIs hold patient records, they may remind you of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) or a Health Information Exchange (HEI). Let’s look at the key differences:

Electronic Health Record (EHR)

This is the electronic version of a patient’s medical history, maintained by a single healthcare provider. Data in an EHR can include:

  • Demographics
  • Medical progress notes
  • Health problems
  • Medications
  • Vital signs
  • Past medical history
  • Immunizations
  • Lab data and reports

This data is critical and must be considered before administering care for any individual, such as evidence-based decision support, quality management, and recording patient outcomes. In terms of usage, around 72% of US office-based physicians have some form of EHR.

Healthcare Information Exchange (HIE)

An HIE is what gives healthcare practitioners access to patient’s vital and confidential medical information. This is a secure and protected way to exchange information.

It may not be obvious given the many technological advancements in healthcare, but a lot of patient and medical info is still stored on paper and tucked away in doctor’s offices. This only shows the importance of HIEs, especially in helping healthcare workers avoid instances of readmission, medication errors, and unnecessary duplicate testing.

The three—EMPIs, EHRs, and HIEs—are closely related, like puzzle pieces that make up a centralized system for patient healthcare information.

Benefits of Integrating EMPI with EHRs and HIEs

With the integration of these systems comes benefits for the healthcare industry and beyond, such as:

  1. Consistent patient data—no matter where you seek healthcare. This means no duplicated or missing information from a patient’s medical history, even if they need care in another city or state.
  2. Improved data accuracy. Reliable health records lead to more accurate diagnoses and more informed healthcare decisions.
  3. Increased accessibility. Practitioners have near-instant access to accurate patient histories, enabling them to make faster, better-informed medical decisions.
  4. Seamless continuity of care. As patients move from one life stage or one medical professional to the next, the care they receive is consistent and holistic.
  5. Proper allocation of resources. EMPIs take away a bulk of manual encoding and data processing, easing the burden of many workers in the medical field.

What Are the Best EMPI Features?

Here’s a checklist of features the best enterprise master patient index software should have:

  • Accurate data matching algorithms (especially if it’s verified by QA software testers)
  • Integration capabilities for your current platforms and programs
  • Scalability, flexibility, and customization options to suit your organization’s needs
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use user interface
  • Compliance and security features
  • Reliable customer support in case of system or network issues
  • Reporting and analytics features to improve workflow efficiency

Build a Custom Patient Database with Taazaa

We know that HCPs are constantly raising the standards in healthcare, and we’re here to help. Taazaa brings custom digital solutions to the table, designed specifically to address digital gaps in healthcare.

As a custom software development company with expertise in healthcare, our track record speaks for itself. We’ve helped clients successfully develop an automated remote patient monitoring platform, alongside patient portals, health apps, and more.

We not only understand the patient benefits of telehealth and the importance of the work we do, but our process integrates the latest SaaS security best practices.

For creative, compliant, and innovative digital solutions, consult with us today!

Gaurav Singh

Gaurav is the Director of Delivery at Taazaa. He has 15+ years of experience in delivering projects and building strong client relationships. Gaurav continuously evolves his leadership skills to deliver projects that make clients happy and our team proud.