The Differences Between Android and iOS App Development

Android and iOS app development may seem similar on the surface—and they have many things in common—but a world of difference lies beyond the similarities.

When creating a new app for a client, a mobile app development company must choose not only the platform (Android, iOS, or hybrid) but also the programming language or framework.

The purpose of the mobile app, the client’s vision and business goals, the features desired, mobile app development trends, and other factors define these choices.

In this article, we explore the differences, challenges, and opportunities presented by Android and iOS platforms. Let’s dive in.

Android vs iOS Development Languages

Let’s start with the very foundation of app development: mobile app development languages.

Android developers primarily work with Java or Kotlin. Although Kotlin is a relatively new player, its intuitiveness and interoperability with Java have quickly made it the preferred language for many app developers. Kotlin includes the Kotlin Multiplatform technology, designed to simplify the development of hybrid, cross-platform apps (apps that work on both Android and iOS).

Meanwhile, iOS developers primarily work in Swift, Apple’s proprietary language. Swift is often praised for its simplicity and efficiency, allowing developers to write less code and potentially save time and money.

Before Swift, iOS apps were written in Objective-C, a relatively user-friendly language for developers new to object-oriented development. Objective-C is a C language superset, with many functions that deal specifically with graphics and displays.

Unlike Kotlin, Swift doesn’t have its own technology for building cross-platform apps. While a few technologies attempt to bridge the gap (Skip, SCADE, and others), most cross-platform mobile app development is done in React Native.

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook (now Meta) that allows developers to create natively rendered mobile applications for iOS and Android using JavaScript. It leverages the React library, primarily used for building user interfaces on the web, but adapts it for mobile platforms. This enables developers to write applications that look and feel truly native while sharing much of the codebase across different platforms.

Android vs iOS Device Fragmentation

Device fragmentation is a challenge in both Android and iOS app development, but it’s a much more significant issue for Android developers.

Device fragmentation is the term applied to the variety of devices, operating systems, screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware capabilities that mobile app development teams need to consider.

Fragmentation is a bigger challenge in Android development because a far wider variety of devices run on Android, and these devices are made by an array of manufacturers. That has resulted in a multitude of screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware capabilities. Android developers must ensure their apps function as expected across all of these smartphones and tablets, which eats up a lot of development time and effort.

iOS developers have the advantage in terms of fragmentation. There are far fewer device models to consider, and they are all made by Apple. Developers have an easier time testing and ensuring a consistent experience across devices.

Market Share

When assessing the market share of these two mobile languages, Android looks better on paper than iOS. According to Statista, Android has claimed nearly 72% of the worldwide market, leaving iOS with 29%.

Android’s larger global market share offers developers access to a vast audience, particularly in emerging markets. While iOS has a smaller slice, it tends to attract users with higher spending power, especially in developed countries.

This substantial lead for Android has been consistent over the past few years. The main reason for Android’s global dominance is its affordability compared to Apple devices worldwide.

However, Android’s lead significantly shrinks when you look only at the United States market. Android holds only 57% of the US mobile OS market, while iOS has 42%. iOS has gradually increased its market share, while Android’s share has fluctuated.

Factors Influencing Market Share

  • Cost: The affordability of Android devices contributes to its global dominance.
  • User Experience: 47% of former Android users cite better user experience as a reason for switching to iPhone.
  • Demographics: iPhone users tend to be more affluent and spend more on technology purchases than Android users, according to a Slickdeals survey.
  • Regional Preferences: Outside the US, iOS leads in countries like Japan, Canada, and Australia, while Android dominates in countries like India, Brazil, and China.

This difference in user base impacts monetization strategies. iOS users are generally more willing to pay for apps or make in-app purchases, making it an attractive platform for apps that rely on those tactics. Android developers, on the other hand, often lean towards ad-based revenue models to capitalize on their more extensive user base.

The Future of Android and iOS App Development

Android and iOS platforms have evolved rapidly and will continue to do so. Pushed by rising cybercrime rates and new regulations, Android is making strides in privacy and security, areas where iOS has traditionally held an advantage.

Like the rest of the tech world, mobile app development is racing to leverage the latest AI capabilities. Android and iOS developers use AI in several innovative ways to enhance mobile app functionality, user experience, and overall performance.

Enhancing the User Experience

Developers are using AI to create more personalized experiences for users. One example is adaptive interfaces, where AI algorithms analyze user behavior to dynamically present the most relevant features and content to the user.

AI can also be used to make “smart” recommendations. Apps can use machine learning to provide personalized content, product recommendations, and suggestions based on user preferences and behavior.

And then there’s our old frenemy, autocorrect. Advancements in AI are helping to improve predictive text and correct errors more accurately—and we say it’s about ducking time.

Enhanced Functionality

AI has enabled more advanced features in mobile apps, like natural language processing and image recognition. Developers integrate AI-powered voice assistants and natural language understanding to enable voice commands and more intuitive interactions.

AI algorithms are also used for advanced image processing, facial recognition, and augmented reality features.

Automation and Efficiency

AI is helping to automate various aspects of app functionality, particularly around customer service. AI-driven chatbots, for example, provide instant, 24/7 customer support, handling inquiries and reducing the load on human support teams. AI algorithms can also determine the most relevant content for notifications and the best time to send them, which helps drive user engagement.

Security and Fraud Detection

Advanced AI algorithms improve facial recognition and fingerprint scanning for secure app access. Machine learning models detect unusual patterns and potential security threats in real time.

Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

AI also influences how Android and iOS app development teams approach cross-platform development. Some tools use AI to help convert code between iOS and Android platforms, streamlining the development process for both ecosystems. AI models can predict how apps will perform on different devices and platforms, helping developers optimize for various environments.

Choosing between Android vs iOS Development

So, which platform should you choose? It depends. Your target audience, budget, technical expertise, and app goals should guide your decision.

You’ll probably want to be on both platforms—either with separate native apps for each, or with a cross-platform mobile app.

If you need help making the choice or building your mobile app, give us a buzz. Taazaa has a hive of talented mobile app developers who are skilled in Android, iOS, and cross-platform development. We’d love to build a secure, robust mobile app to help you achieve all your goals.

David Borcherding

David is a Senior Content Writer at Taazaa. He has 15+ years of B2B software marketing experience, and is an ardent champion of quality content. He enjoys finding fresh, new ways to relay helpful information to our customers.