Unit Test

Unit testing involves evaluating individual components of a software application to ensure they function correctly in isolation. This process focuses on the smallest testable parts of an application, such as functions or methods, verifying their correctness by executing them with various input scenarios. The primary goal is to identify and fix bugs at the earliest stage of development, making it easier to ensure that each component performs as expected before integration with other parts of the system. By isolating these components, developers can pinpoint issues quickly and efficiently, reducing the likelihood of defects propagating through the codebase.

In unit testing, tests are typically automated, allowing for frequent and consistent execution throughout the development cycle. This practice not only helps maintain code quality but also supports the principles of test-driven development (TDD) by encouraging developers to write tests before coding the functionality. Unit tests serve as a safety net, providing confidence that changes or enhancements to the codebase do not introduce new errors, thus facilitating more robust and reliable software development.