Trunk-Based Development

Trunk-Based Development is a software development practice where all team members work on a single, shared branch, commonly referred to as the “trunk” or “main” branch. This approach emphasizes continuous integration and encourages frequent, small updates to the shared codebase. By doing so, developers avoid the complexities of managing multiple long-lived branches and reduce the risk of integration issues that often arise from merging large, disparate changes. Trunk-Based Development promotes a collaborative environment where developers can immediately address conflicts and ensure that the shared code is always in a deployable state.

This method enhances the speed of delivery by focusing on incremental changes rather than large, infrequent updates. It also facilitates faster feedback and testing, as changes are integrated continuously. The practice encourages a culture of constant communication and alignment among team members, as everyone is working within the same branch. This can lead to higher code quality and a more cohesive development process, ultimately improving overall project efficiency and agility.